International Collaboration on KURNS FFAs and other similar machines

Log page,
Simulation page, simulation/
Repository page,

Forthcoming events

? ? 2023: 109-th collaboration meeting with Zoom at 09:00 BST, 18:00 JST
  1. to be announced
Past events

Friday, January 13 2023: 108-th collaboration meeting with Zoom at 09:00 BST, 18:00 JST
  1. Beam experiment in January 2023 [Shinji Machida]
  2. Update to RF program for stacking [David Kelliher]
Thursday, January 6 2023: 107-th collaboration meeting with Zoom at 09:00 BST, 18:00 JST
  1. KURNS experiment plans [Shinji Machida]
  2. Trigger of KURNS FFA [Yoshihiro Ishi]
Friday, December 16 2022: 106-th collaboration meeting with Zoom at 09:00 BST, 18:00 JST
  1. Bean stacking RF program [David Kelliher]
Thursday, December 1 2022: 105-th collaboration meeting with Zoom at 09:00 BST, 18:00 JST
  1. Beam experiment in January [Shinji Machida]
  2. Bean stacking RF program [David Kelliher]
Friday, November 18 2022: 104-th collaboration meeting with Zoom at 09:00 BST, 18:00 JST
  1. Momentum spread measurement [Tomonori Uesugi]
  2. Ramping Phis [David Kelliher]
  3. Longitudinal simulation [Chris Rogers]
  4. Trigger of KURNS FFA [Yoshihiro Ishi]
  5. List of tasks in January 2023 [Emi Yamakawa]
Thursday, November 10 2022: 103-rd collaboration meeting with Zoom at 09:00 BST, 18:00 JST
  1. WSM update [Emi Yamakawa]
  2. Momentum spread measurement [Tomonori Uesugi]
Friday, November 4 2022: 102-nd collaboration meeting with Zoom at 09:00 BST, 18:00 JST
  1. Beam stacking at KURNS [Shinji Machida]
  2. Beam stacking study - ramping phi_s [David Kelliher]
  3. Momentum psread measurement [JB Lagrange]
Thursday, October 13 2022: 101-st collaboration meeting with Zoom at 09:00 BST, 18:00 JST
  1. Adiabatic debunching at KURNS [David Kelliher]
  2. Momentum spread measurement [JB Lagrange]
  3. Longitudinal Schottky Analysis [Emi Yamakawa]
Thursday, September 8 2022: 100-th collaboration meeting with Zoom at 10:00 BST, 18:00 JST
  1. KURNS beam stacking [Shinji Machida]
  2. Beam stacking at KURNS [David Kelliher]
  3. Momentum spread measurement [JB Lagrange]
Thursday, July 21 2022: 99-th collaboration meeting with Zoom at 10:00 BST, 18:00 JST
  1. BPM & WSM Analysis [Emi Yamakawa]
Thursday, June 23 2022: 98-th collaboration meeting with Zoom at 10:00 BST, 18:00 JST
  1. Simulations for beam stacking experiment [Shinji Machida]
  2. Beam stacking experiment proposal [JB Lagrange]
Thursday, May 19 2022: 97-th collaboration meeting with Zoom at 10:00 BST, 18:00 JST
  1. Experiment plans [Emi Yamakawa]
  2. Beam stacking experiment proposal [JB Lagrange]
Thursday, April 21 2022: 96-th collaboration meeting with Zoom at 10:00 BST, 18:00 JST
  1. to be completed
Thursday, March 3 2022: 95-th collaboration meeting with Zoom at 09:00 BST, 18:00 JST
  1. to be completed
Thursday, January 27 2022: 94-th collaboration meeting with Zoom at 09:00 BST, 18:00 JST
  1. BPM analysis and WSM update [Emi Yamakawa]
  2. Tomography with BPM in KURNS [David Kelliher]
Thursday, December 16 2021: 93-rd collaboration meeting with Zoom at 09:00 BST, 18:00 JST
  1. BPM test at KURNS and WSM HV test at ISIS lab [Emi Yamakawa]
Thursday, October 21 2021: 92-nd collaboration meeting with Zoom at 09:00 BST, 18:00 JST
  1. to be completed
Thursday, September 9 2021: 91-st collaboration meeting with Zoom at 09:00 BST, 18:00 JST
  1. to be completed
Thursday, July 1 2021: 90-th collaboration meeting with Zoom at 09:00 BST, 18:00 JST
  1. to be completed
Thursday, June 3 2021: 89-th collaboration meeting with Zoom at 09:00 BST, 18:00 JST
  1. Progress of BPM and WSM [Emi Yamakawa and Alex Pertica]
Thursday, May 6 2021: 88-th collaboration meeting with Zoom at 09:00 BST, 18:00 JST
  1. to be completed
Thursday, April 1 2021: 87-th collaboration meeting with Zoom at 09:00 BST, 18:00 JST
  1. Progress of BPM and WSM developments [Emi Yamakawa]
Thursday, March 4 2021: 86-th collaboration meeting with Zoom at 09:00 BST, 18:00 JST
  1. Prototype BPM and WSM [Emi Yamakawa, Alex Pertica and David Posthuma de Boer]
  2. Adiabaticity experiment - update [David Kelliher]
Thursday, January 21 2021: 85-th collaboration meeting with Zoom at 09:00 BST, 18:00 JST
  1. Prototype BPM measurements result [Emi Yamakawa]
Thursday, December 17 2020: 84-th collaboration meeting with Zoom at 09:00 BST, 18:00 JST
  1. to be completed
Thursday, November 12 2020: 83-rd collaboration meeting with Zoom at 09:00 BST, 18:00 JST
  1. to be completed
Thursday, October 15 2020: 82-nd collaboration meeting with Zoom at 09:00 BST, 17:00 JST
  1. KURNS recovery schedule [Yoshihiro Ishi]
  2. KURNS status [Tomonori Uesugi]
  3. Wire scanner experiment [Emi Yamakawa]
  4. Adiabaticity experiment update [David Kelliher]
Thursday, September 17 2020: 81-st collaboration meeting with Zoom at 09:00 BST, 17:00 JST
  1. KURNS recovery schedule [Yoshihiro Ishi]
  2. KURNS status and plans [Tomonori Uesugi]
  3. Diagnostics experiment [Emi Yamakawa]
Thursday, July 2 2020: 80-th collaboration meeting with Zoom at 10:00 GMT, 19:00 JST
  1. KURNS status and plans [Yoshihiro Ishi]
  2. Phase jump data [David Kelliher]
Thursday, May 21 2020: 79-th collaboration meeting with Zoom at 10:00 GMT, 19:00 JST
  1. KURNS status and plans [Yoshihiro Ishi]
Tuesday, March 24 2020: 78-th collaboration meeting with Zoom at 10:00 GMT, 19:00 JST
  1. KURNS status and plans [Yoshihiro Ishi]
  2. Tomography in the serpentine channel [David Kelliher]
Thursday, January 23 2020: 77-th collaboration meeting with Zoom at 10:00 GMT, 19:00 JST
  1. KURNS status and plans [Yoshihiro Ishi]
  2. KURNS experiment analysis [David Kelliher]
  3. KURNS experiment analysis [Shinji Machida]
Tuesday, October 15 2019: 76-th collaboration meeting with Zoom at 09:00 GMT, 17:00 JST
  1. KURNS experiment proposal [David Kelliher]
  2. KURNS experiment proposal [Shinji Machida]
Tuesday, September 10 2019: 75-th collaboration meeting with Zoom at 09:00 GMT, 17:00 JST, 7:30 EDT
  1. KURNS schedule
  2. discussion on next longitudinal experiment in Main Ring
Friday, July 05 2019: 74-th collaboration meeting with Zoom at 09:00 GMT, 17:00 JST, 7:30 EDT
  1. Longitudinal experiment on Main Ring at injection
  2. KURNS experiment analysis [David Kelliher]
Thursday, June 20 2019: 73-rd collaboration meeting with Zoom at 09:00 GMT, 17:00 JST, 7:30 EDT
  1. Longitudinal experiment on Main Ring at injection
  2. KURNS experiment analysis [David Kelliher]
Thursday, June 13 2019: 72-nd collaboration meeting with Zoom at 09:00 GMT, 17:00 JST, 7:30 EDT
  1. Longitudinal experiment on Main Ring at injection
Thursday, May 30 2019: 71-st collaboration meeting with Zoom at 12:30 GMT, 20:30 JST, 7:30 EDT
  1. KURNS status and plans [Yoshihiro Ishi]
  2. KURNS bunch monitor analysis [David Kelliher]
  3. Experimental proposal [Shinji Machida]
Wednesday, May 8 2019: 70-th collaboration meeting with Zoom at 12:30 GMT, 20:30 JST, 7:30 EDT
  1. KURNS status and plans [Yoshihiro Ishi]
  2. KURNS longitudinal data analysis [David Kelliher]
  3. Longitudinal space charge [Shinji Machida]
  4. AOB
Thursday, March 12 2019: 69-th collaboration meeting at 09:00 GMT, 17:00 JST, 4:00 EDT
  1. Experiment March 2019 plan [JB Lagrange]
  2. AOB
Thursday, March 7 2019: 68-th collaboration meeting at 10:00 GMT, 18:30 JST, 5:30 EDT
  1. KURRI FFAG experiment March 2019 [JB Lagrange]
  2. AOB
Thursday, February 14 2019: 67-th collaboration meeting at 12:30 GMT, 20:30 JST, 7:30 EDT
  1. KURNS status and plans [Yoshihiro Ishi]
  2. KURRI FFAG experiment March 2019 [JB Lagrange]
  3. AOB
Thursday, January 10 2019: 66-th collaboration meeting at 12:30 GMT, 20:30 JST, 7:30 EDT
  1. KURNS status and plans [Yoshihiro Ishi]
  2. KURNS longitudinal data analysis [David Kelliher]
  3. AOB
Thursday, November 22 2018: 65-th collaboration meeting at 12:30 GMT, 20:30 JST, 7:30 EDT
  1. KURNS status and plans [Yoshihiro Ishi]
  2. KURNS experiment in September 2018 - overview - [Shinji Machida]
  3. KURNS data analysis update [David Kelliher]
  4. AOB
Thursday, August 24 2018: 64-th collaboration meeting at 12:30 GMT, 20:30 JST, 7:30 EDT
  1. KURNS status and plans [Yoshihiro Ishi]
  2. Longitudinal Tomography [David Kelliher]
  3. AOB
Thursday, July 26 2018: 63-th collaboration meeting at 12:30 GMT, 20:30 JST, 7:30 EDT
  1. KURRI FFA status [Yoshihiro Ishi]
  2. Longitudinal Tomography [David Kelliher]
  3. AOB
Thursday, June 28 2018: 62-th collaboration meeting at 12:30 GMT, 20:30 JST, 7:30 EDT
  1. KURRI FFA status [Yoshihiro Ishi]
  2. KURRI Analysis Script [David Kelliher]
  3. AOB
Thursday, May 24 2018: 61-th collaboration meeting at 12:30 GMT, 20:30 JST, 7:30 EDT
  1. KURRI FFA status [Yoshihiro Ishi]
  2. Experiment Studies [JB Lagrange]
  3. AOB
Thursday, April 12 2018: 60-th collaboration meeting at 12:30 GMT, 20:30 JST, 7:30 EDT
  1. KURRI FFAG status [Yoshihiro Ishi]
  2. AOB
Thursday, March 1 2018: 59-th collaboration meeting at 12:30 GMT, 21:30 JST, 7:30 EDT
  1. KURRI FFAG status [Yoshihiro Ishi]
  2. Location of 2nd cavity (1) [Yoshihiro Ishi]
  3. Location of 2nd cavity (2) [Yoshihiro Ishi]
  4. AOB
Thursday, January 18 2018: 58-th collaboration meeting at 12:30 GMT, 21:30 JST, 7:30 EDT
  1. KURRI FFAG status [Yoshihiro Ishi]
  2. AOB
Thursday, November 16 2017: 57-th collaboration meeting at 12:30 GMT, 21:30 JST, 7:30 EDT
  1. KURRI FFAG status [Yoshihiro Ishi]
  2. Frequency spectrum of coordinate data [David Kelliher]
  3. Experiment plan [Shinji Machida]
  4. AOB
Thursday, October 12 2017: 56-th collaboration meeting at 12:30 GMT, 20:30 JST, 7:30 EDT
  1. KURRI FFAG status [Yoshihiro Ishi]
  2. KURRI FFAG schedule [Yoshihiro Ishi]
  3. AOB
Thursday, July 27 2017: 55-th collaboration meeting at 12:30 GMT, 20:30 JST, 7:30 EDT
  1. KURRI FFAG status [Yoshihiro Ishi]
  2. Malek's talk (pdf) [Malek]
  3. Malek's talk (ppt) [Malek]
  4. AOB
Thursday, June 22 2017: 54-th collaboration meeting at 12:30 GMT, 20:30 JST, 7:30 EDT
  1. KURRI FFAG status [Yoshihiro Ishi]
  2. AOB
Thursday, May 25 2017: 53-th collaboration meeting at 12:30 GMT, 20:30 JST, 7:30 EDT
  1. Status of KURRI FFAG, Y. Ishi
  2. AOB
Thursday, April 13 2017: 52-th collaboration meeting at 12:30 GMT, 20:30 JST, 7:30 EDT
  1. Replacement of [Yasutoshi Kuriyama]
  2. KURRI FFAG status [Yoshihiro Ishi]
  3. Experiment plan [All]
  4. AOB
Wednesday, March 1 2017: 51-th collaboration meeting at 12:30 GMT, 21:30 JST, 7:30 EDT
  1. KURRI FFAG schedule [Yoshihiro Ishi [xlsx] [numbers] [pdf]]
  2. Replacement of [Yasutoshi Kuriyama], [Shinji Machida]
  3. Expanding field maps off the mid-plane [Chris Prior]
  4. Dynamic aperture [Shinji Machida]
  5. Experiment plan [All]
  6. AOB
Thursday, January 19 2017: 50-th collaboration meeting at 12:30 GMT, 21:30 JST, 7:30 EDT
No Minutes
  1. KURRI RFQ status[ Yoshihiro Ishi]
  2. PSI trip on OPAL development[ Suzie Sheehy]
  3. Next meeting: 1 March 2017
  4. AOB
Wednesday, November 30 2016: 49-th collaboration meeting at 12:30 GMT, 21:30 JST, 7:30 EDT
No Minutes
  1. KURRI RFQ status[ Yoshihiro Ishi]
  2. Drawing 3D field maps from zgoubi's FFAG analytical model, Tracking outcomes from both methods [Francois Meot]
  3. Dynamic aperture study, update [Shinji Machida]
  4. IPAC17 Abstract: [Nicholaos Tsoupas]
  5. supporting documents [Nicholaos Tsoupas]
  6. IPAC17 Abstract: Any other proposal? [All]
  7. Experiment Plan in winter 2016-17 [All]
  8. Next meeting: (18, 19, 25, 26) January??
  9. AOB
Wednesday, October 19 2016: 48-th collaboration meeting at 12:30 BST, 20:30 JST, 7:30 EDT
  1. KURRI machine status [Yoshihiro Ishi]
  2. Dynamic aperture study, update [Malek Haj Tahar]
  3. TOSCA 2D and 3D field map for tracking [Shinji Machida]
  4. Experiment Plan in winter 2016-17 [Shinji Machida]
  5. AOB
Thursday, August 25 2016: 47-th collaboration meeting at 12:30 BST, 20:30 JST, 7:30 EDT
  1. KURRI machine status [Yoshihiro Ishi]
  2. Dynamic aperture study, update [Malek Haj Tahar and Shinji Machida]
  3. DA with EARLIETIMES [Ishi]
  4. AOB
Thursday, July 21 2016: 46-th collaboration meeting at 12:30 BST, 20:30 JST, 7:30 EDT
No Minutes
  1. KURRI FFAG machine status [Yoshihiro Ishi]
  2. Dynamic aperture study [Shinji Machida]
  3. AOB
Thursday, June 9 2016: 45-th collaboration meeting with Google+ at 12:30 BST, 20:30 JST, 7:30 EDT connection details. (Please ask Suzie Sheehy to get an invitation to the meeting.)
  1. KURRI FFAG machine status [Yoshihiro Ishi]
  2. Simulation update [Malek Haj Tahar]
  3. Simulation update [Shinji Machida]
  4. TOSCA with finer mesh [Yoshiharu Mori]
  5. AOB
(Notice the earlier start) Thursday, April 28 2016: 44-th collaboration meeting with Google+ at 11:30 BST, 19:30 JST, 6:30 EDT connection details. (Please ask Suzie Sheehy to get an invitation to the meeting.)
  1. KURRI FFAG machine status [Yoshihiro Ishi]
  2. Emittance growth [Malek Haj Tahar]
  3. Evaluating field quality [Shinji Machida]
  4. Correction scheme [Malek Haj Tahar]
  5. Mori's presentation [Yoshiharu Mori]
  6. KURRI paper status.
  7. AOB, Next meeting (9 June?)
Wednesday, March 23 2016: 43-th collaboration meeting with Google+ at 12:30 GMT, 21:30 JST, 8:30 EDT connection details. (Please ask Suzie Sheehy to get an invitation to the meeting.)
  1. KURRI FFAG machine status [Yoshihiro Ishi]
  2. KURRI FFAG paper revison status [Suzie Sheehy]
  3. Paper proposed [Malek Haj Tahar]
  4. Tune calculation in non-scaling FFAG [Malek Haj Tahar]
  5. Field maps [Malek Haj Tahar]
  6. Simulation update [Shinji Machida]
  7. New set of TOSCA 3d-data [student?]
  8. Next meeting (6 weeks interval?) and AOB
Wednesday, January 20 2016: 42-th collaboration meeting with Google+ at 12:30 GMT, 21:30 JST, 7:30 EDT connection details. (Please ask Suzie Sheehy to get an invitation to the meeting.)
  1. General update, KURRI FFAG machine status [Yoshihiro Ishi]
  2. Simulation update [Malek Haj Tahar]
  3. Simulation update [Shinji Machida]
  4. New set of TOSCA 3d-data [student?]
  5. KURRI FFAG paper revison status [David Kelliher]
  6. KURRI FFAG paper revison status [Suzie Sheehy]
  7. Next meeting and AOB
Wednesday, December 16 2015: 41-th collaboration meeting with Google+ at 12:30 GMT, 21:30 JST, 7:30 EDT connection details. (Please ask Suzie Sheehy to get an invitation to the meeting.)
  1. General update, KURRI FFAG machine status [Yoshihiro Ishi]
  2. Comparison of Longitudinal phase space: Zgoubi vs Scode [Malek Haj Tahar]
  3. Progress of KURRI FFAG simulation [Shinji Machida]
  4. KURRI FFAG paper revison status [Referee's comments]
  5. Next meeting and AOB
Thursday, November 19 2015: 40-th collaboration meeting with Google+ at 12:30 GMT, 21:30 JST, 7:30 EDT connection details. (Please ask Suzie Sheehy to get an invitation to the meeting.)
  1. General update, KURRI FFAG machine status [Yoshihiro Ishi]
  2. Beam Studies [Kevin Multani]
  3. Report from Beam Dynamics meets Diagnostics Workshop in Florence [Suzie Sheehy]
  4. General discussion on the simulation plan [Shinji Machida and All]
  5. Discussion on coupling and what is needed in preparation from simulations [Francois Meot and All]
  6. Discussion on how to proceed with correcting the tune excursion, with reference to work done on modelling the 'patch' in the Kyushu-FFAG. [Yorhiharu Mori (1)] [Yorhiharu Mori (2)] [All]
  7. Plan of the next experiment in January-March 2016 [All]
  8. Next meeting and AOB
Thursday, October 15 2015: 39-th collaboration meeting with Google+ at 13:00 BST, 21:00 JST, 8:00 EDT connection details. (Please ask Suzie Sheehy to get an invitation to the meeting.)
  1. Update about the tune calculation in Zgoubi [Malek Haj Tahar]
  2. COD measurement [David Kelliher]
  3. Paper update [Suzie Sheehy]
  4. Summary of experiment in June and July [Suzie Sheehy]
  5. Plan of the next experiment in January/February 2016 [All]
  6. AOB
Cancelled: Thursday, July 2 2015: 38-th collaboration meeting with Google+ at 13:00 BST, 21:00 JST, 8:00 EDT connection details. (Please ask Suzie Sheehy to get an invitation to the meeting.)
No Minutes
  1. Summary of the 1st week of the experiment [Suzie Sheehy]
  2. Adiabatic transition and constant rf bucket area experiments [David Kelliher]
Thursday, June 11 2015: 37-th collaboration meeting with Google+ at 13:00 BST, 21:00 JST, 8:00 EDT connection details. (Please ask Suzie Sheehy to get an invitation to the meeting.)
  1. Paper update, general and vertical orbit [Shinji Mchida]
  2. Foil energy loss [Chris Rogers]
  3. Updated analysis [David Kelliher]
  4. Paper update, dispersion function and Machine status [Yoshihiro Ishi]
  5. Experimental plan for June run, discussion [Suzie Sheehy]
  6. FFAG modelling [Malek Haj Tahar]
  7. KURRI machine status and schedule [Yoshihiro Ishi]
  8. AOB
Thursday, May 14, 2015: 36-th collaboration meeting with Google+ at 13:00 BST, 21:00 JST, 8:00 EDT connection details. (Please ask Suzie Sheehy to get an invitation to the meeting.)
  1. Current status at KURRI [Yoshihiro Ishi]
  2. KURRI Simulation Benchmarking [Suzie Sheehy]
  3. Tune excursion [Shinji Machida]
  4. Schedule of possible experiment.
  5. AOB
Wednesday, April 8, 2015: 35-th collaboration meeting with Google+ at 13:00 BST, 21:00 JST, 8:00 EDT connection details. (Please ask Suzie Sheehy to get an invitation to the meeting.)
  1. Beam size and profile calculation from bunch monitor data [David Kelliher]
  2. KURRI simulation benchmarking progress with OPAL [Suzie Sheehy]
  3. IPAC15 paper on FFAG simulation [Shinji Machida]
  4. KURRI current status [Yoshihiro Ishi]
  5. Tune of KEK 150 MeV FFAG (measurement, 9-100 MeV) [Yoshiharu Mori]
  6. Tune of KEK 150 MeV FFAG (simulation, 9-100 MeV) [Yoshiharu Mori]
  7. AOB
Monday, February 2, 2015: 34-th collaboration meeting with Google+ at 13:00 GMT, 22:00 JST, 8:00 EDT connection details. (Please ask Suzie Sheehy to get an invitation to the meeting.)
  1. Schedule [Yoshihiro Ishi]
  2. Experiment planning (1) [Suzie Sheehy]
  3. Experiment planning (2) [Shinji Machida]
  4. AOB
January 15, 2015: 33-th collaboration meeting with Google+ at 13:00 GMT, 22:00 JST, 8:00 EDT connection details. (Please ask Suzie Sheehy to get an invitation to the meeting.)
  1. Progress of KURRI FFAG simulation [Shinji Machida]
  2. Scaling factor and tune analysis [Malek Haj Tahar]
  3. Schedule (January to March 2015) .pdf [Yoshihiro Ishi]
  4. Schedule (January to March 2015) .xls [Yoshihiro Ishi]
  5. AOB
December 18, 2014: 32-th collaboration meeting with Google+ at 13:00 GMT, 22:00 JST, 8:00 EDT connection details. (Please ask Suzie Sheehy to get an invitation to the meeting.)
  1. Tune calculation [Yoshihiro Ishi]
  2. Simulation plan [Suzie Sheehy]
  3. Simulation plan (docx) [Suzie Sheehy]
  4. COD and dispersin analysis [David Kelliher]
  5. Recipe to estimate the distorted dispsersion functin from observed COD [Shinji Machida]
  6. AOB
November 20, 2014: 31-th collaboration meeting with Google+ at 13:00 GMT, 22:00 JST, 8:00 EDT connection details. (Please ask Suzie Sheehy to get an invitation to the meeting.)
  1. Simulation update [Malek Haj Tahar]
  2. Chapter 5 update and benchmark site [Shinji Machida]
  3. AOB
October 23, 2014: 30-th collaboration meeting with Google+ at 13:00 BST, 21:00 JST, 8:00 EDT connection details. (Please ask Suzie Sheehy to get an invitation to the meeting.)
  1. Paper update [Suzie Sheehy]
  2. Notes on simulation plan [Suzie Sheehy]
  3. AOB
September 4, 2014: 29-th collaboration meeting with Google+ at 13:00 BST, 21:00 JST, 8:00 EDT connection details. (Please ask Suzie Sheehy to get an invitation to the meeting.)
  1. A method to observe and match the beam [Liu Shuang]
  2. Measurement of dispersion at the slit [Tom Uesugi]
  3. Schedule [Yoshihiro Ishi]
  4. AOB
August 7, 2014: 28-th collaboration meeting with Google+ at 13:00 BST, 21:00 JST, 8:00 EDT connection details. (Please ask Suzie Sheehy to get an invitation to the meeting.)
  1. Tune Measurement [Ishi ]
  2. AOB
July 17, 2014: 27-th collaboration meeting with Google+ at 13:00 BST, 21:00 JST, 8:00 EDT connection details. (Please ask Suzie Sheehy to get an invitation to the meeting.)
  1. Experimental progress [Suzie Sheehy]
  2. Updates [Ludovic Volat]
  3. Definition of coordinate system [Yoshihiro Ishi]
  4. AOB
June 27, 2014: 26-th collaboration meeting with Google+ at 13:00 BST, 21:00 JST, 8:00 EDT connection details. (Please ask Suzie Sheehy to get an invitation to the meeting.)
No Minutes
  1. Experimental progress [Suzie Sheehy]
  2. AOB
June 5, 2014: 25-th collaboration meeting with Google+ at 13:00 BST, 21:00 JST, 8:00 EDT connection details. (Please ask Suzie Sheehy to get an invitation to the meeting.)
  1. Items arising from last meeting
  2. Analysis/simulation updates relevant to June experiments
    1. COD [Suzie Sheehy]
    2. Dispersion matching [Shinji Machida]
    3. Transfer matrix from back tracking [Yoshihiro Ishi]
    4. Energy loss [Chris Rogers]
  3. Experimental plans for 1 week visit at the end of June [Suzie Sheehy]
  4. Simulation and analysis updates
    1. Simulation updates [Malek]
    2. Mini workshop on Zgoubi/Opal after FFAG workshop in September [Francois Meot]
    3. Plans for space charge simulation [All]
  5. Next meeting date
  6. AOB
May 30, 2014: RAL internal meeting at 10:00 BST.
No Minutes
  1. Dispersion matching [Shinji Machida]
  2. Energy loss [Chris Rogers]
  3. Dispersion and COD [David Kelliher]
  4. Informations for Analysis and others (same as May 8) [Yoshihiro Ishi]
May 8, 2014: 24-th collaboration meeting with Google+ at 13:00 BST, 21:00 JST, 8:00 EDT connection details. (Please ask Suzie Sheehy to get an invitation to the meeting.)
  1. Dispersion matching [Shinji Machida]
  2. Orbit matching [Shinji Machida]
  3. Energy loss measurement [Chris Rogers]
  4. Tune analysis [David Kelliher]
  5. TOSCA field-map with different F/D currents [Tom Uesugi]
  6. Informations for Analysis and others [Yoshihiro Ishi]
  7. Injection line modelling [Malek Haj Tahr]
  8. Machine time schedule [Updated on 9 May]
April 23, 2014: RAL internal collaboration meeting at 13:00 BST.
  1. Overview [Suzie Sheehy]
  2. Energy loss measurement [Chris Rogers]
  3. Matching [Shinji Machida]
  4. k and dispersion measurement results [Chris Prior]
  5. Zgoubi calculation [Malek Haj Tahar]
Cancelled: April 10, 2014: 24-th collaboration meeting (Please ask Suzie Sheehy to get an invitation to the meeting.)
March 13, 2014: 23-th collaboration meeting with Google+ at 13:00 GMT connection details. (Please ask Suzie Sheehy to get an invitation to the meeting.)
  1. Last minutes update (hopefully, not a technical issue).
  2. Web and eLog [Yasutoshi Kuriyama]
  3. Update of machine status, if any.
  4. IT issues at KURRI (internet connection, data storage, etc), if any.
  5. AOB
February 24, 2014: 22-th collaboration meeting with Google+ at 13:00 GMT.(Please ask Suzie Sheehy to get an invitation to the meeting.)
  1. KURRI-FFAG Schedule [Yoshihiro Ishi]
  2. Experiment plan (updated after the meeting) [Suzie Sheehy]
  3. Beam size at the foil position (not presented at the meeting) [Shinji Machida]
February 12, 2014: 21-th collaboration meeting with Google+ at 13:00 GMT. (Please ask Suzie Sheehy to get an invitation to the meeting.)
  1. Items arising from last meeting
  2. Simulation and analysis updates
    1. Update of Geant simulation [Chris Rogers]
    2. About 2nd peak in bunch monitor [Shinji Machida]
  3. Experimental Plans
    1. Proposals for March 3 week experimental visit [Suzie Sheehy]
    2. Study subject [Yoshihiro Ishi]
    3. RF with local k correction [Tom Uesugi]
    4. Machine time scheduling [All]
  4. References
    1. What can we do with the new amplifiers implemented? by S. Sheehy (draft, 21 January)
      - Save link and open it locally. -
    2. vertical tune measurement
    3. Geant-4 simulation on foil
    4. bunch area calculation
    5. Suzie's report on November 2013 experiments (2)
    6. Suzie's report on November 2013 experiments (1)
    7. Update on H- injection
    8. KURRI FFAG diagnostics map
    9. FFAG13 presentation on Kyushu FFAG (KEK 150 MeV) status
    10. FFAG13 presentation on H- injection
    11. FFAG13 presentation on KURRI FFAG status
    12. FFAG12 presentation on KURRI FFAG status
    13. FFAG12 presentation on tune measurement
    14. FFAG12 presentation on Kyushu FFAG status
    15. FFAG11 presentation on KURRI FFAG status
    16. FFAG11 presentation on FFAG by Mori-san
    17. FFAG11 presentation on H- injection of KURRI FFAG
    18. FFAG11 presentation on capture of KURRI FFAG status
    19. FFAG13 presentation on KURRI FFAG status
    20. EPAC2004 on KEK 150 MeV commissioning
  5. Any Other Business
February 4, 2014: RAL internal collaboration meeting at 14:00 GMT.
  1. Plan A [Suzie Sheehy]
  2. Plan B [Shinji Machida]
January 16, 2014: 20-th collaboration meeting with Google+ at 13:00 GMT.
  1. Items arising from last meeting
  2. Simulation and analysis updates
    1. Vertical tune measurement [Shinji Machida]
    2. Bunch shape from D=810 to 1130 A (double) [pdf]
    3. Bunch shape from D=810 to 1130 A (single) [pdf]
  3. Experimental plans
    1. MoU [Chris Prior]
    2. March 2014 Schedule (proposed) [Suzie Sheehy]
    3. Discussion of March experimental visit [All]
  4. Any other business
    1. Data description (save the file and open on your computer) [Suzie Sheehy]
    2. Data storage [Yoshihiro Ishi, Tom Uesugi and Suzie Sheehy]
December 19, 2013: 19-th collaboration meeting with Google+ at 13:00 GMT.
  1. Bunch monitor signal integration [David Killiher]
  2. Geant-4 simulation results (not discussed at the meeting) [Chris Rogers]
  3. AOB
December 13, 2013: RAL internal collaboration meeting at 14:00 GMT.
[Minutes (pdf)]
  1. Bunch monitor signal integration [David Kelliher]
November 21, 2013: 18-th collaboration meeting with Google+ at 13:00 GMT.
No Minutes
  1. Overview of the visit [Suzie Sheehy]
    1. Data description (save the file and open on your computer) [Suzie Sheehy]
    2. Data storage [Yoshihiro Ishi, Tom Uesugi and Suzie Sheehy]
  2. Server for data archive
  3. Plan of next year
  4. AOB
  5. Ref. [NAFF]
  6. [TOSCA description of magnet]
November 15, 2013: Quick update
  1. COD [Yoshihiro Ishi]
  2. Update by Suzie [Suzie Sheehy]
  3. r vs time with COD correction [Suzie Sheehy]
  4. FFT with 0.2 MHz HPF [Suzie Sheehy]
  5. FFT with 2 MHz HPF [Suzie Sheehy]
  6. Tune measurement with HPF [Shinji Machida]
  7. Tune measurement with NAFF [Shinji Machida]
October 24 and November 1, 2013: 17-th collaboration meeting with SeeVogh [connection details] at 14:00 BST.
No Minutes
  1. Simulatin update [Chris Rogers]
  2. Summary of recent experiment [Tom Uesugi]
  3. Visiting KURRI (November and March?) [Memo] [Suzie Sheehy]
  4. Time of this meeting, can be earlier? [All]
  5. AOB
October 7, 2013: RAL internal collaboration meeting at 11:00 BST.
  1. Visit to KURRI
  2. [OPAL training course]
  3. Long term plan
  4. AOB
cancelled: September 26, 2013: 16-th collaboration meeting
August 29, 2013: 15-th collaboration meeting with SeeVogh [connection details] at 14:00 BST.
  1. Recent results of KURRI-FFAG experiment [Y. Ishi]
  2. AOB
August 1, 2013: 14-th collaboration meeting with SeeVogh [connection details] at 14:00 BST.
Agenda (Tentative)
  1. Injection design [M. Haj Tahar].
  2. Update from KURRI [Y. Mori]
  3. Heavy Ion Acceleration [J.B. Lagrange]
  4. Update from UK [anyone?]
  5. Plan after summer [S. Machida]
  6. AOB
cancelled: July 4, 2013: 14-th collaboration meeting
cancelled: June 6, 2013: 14-th collaboration meeting
May 9, 2013: 13-th collaboration meeting with SeeVogh [connection details] at 14:00 BST.
Talks and proposals are welcome. Send a title to
  1. Operation schedule of KURRI-FFAG planned in FY2013 [Y. Mori].
  2. Brief report of space charge 2013 [S. Machida].
  3. Cyclotron conference 2013, abstract submission [All].
  4. AOB
cancelled. April 11, 2013: 13-th collaboration meeting
March 14, 2013: 12-th collaboration meeting with SeeVogh [connection details] at 14:00 GMT.
Talks and proposals are welcome. Send a title to
  1. Experiment with bunched beam [S. Machida].
  2. AOB
cancelled. February 14, 2013: 12-th collaboration meeting
January 17, 2013: 11-th collaboration meeting with EVO [connection details] at 14:00 GMT.
Talks and proposals are welcome. Send a title to
  1. Tracking ERIT-FFAG in OPAL (update) [C. Rogers]
  2. AOB
December 20, 2012: 10-th collaboration meeting with EVO [connection details] at 14:00 GMT.
Talks and proposals are welcome. Send a title to
  1. Tracking ERIT-FFAG in OPAL [C. Rogers]
  2. from FFAG12 [S. Machida]
  3. EVO registration [C. Prior]
  4. AOB
November 11-16, 2012: FFAG2012 Workshop and School
FFAG2012 Workshop, 13-16 November 2012
October 25, 2012: 9-th collaboration meeting with EVO [connection details] at 13:30 BST (12:30 GMT).
  1. Modelling of ADSR-FFAG [S. Machida]
  2. Beam stacking in FFAG [Y. Ishi]
  3. TOSCA field map of ADSR [(1) and (2), Y. Mori]
  4. FFAG workshop 2012 [All]
  5. AOB
September 28 (Friday), 2012: 8-th collaboration meeting with EVO [connection details] at 14:00 BST (13:00 GMT).
  1. Simulation and experiment plan [Y. Mori]
  2. Simulation update [C. Rogers]
  3. FFAG workshop 2012 - session for this collaboration? [All]
  4. AOB
Cancelled: August 30, 2012: 8-th collaboration meeting
Cancelled: August 2, 2012: 8-th collaboration meeting
July 5, 2012: 7-th collaboration meeting with EVO [connection details] at 14:00 BST (13:00 GMT).
  1. Comments on diagnostics [C. Gabor]
  2. Simulation update with foil scattering [S. Machida]
  3. Foil development [Y. Mori]
  4. Machine status (ERIT and ADSR) [Y. Mori]
  5. AOB
June 7, 2012: 6-th collaboration meeting with EVO [connection details] at 15:00 BST (14:00 GMT).
  1. Simulation update (1) [C. Rogers]
  2. Simulation update (2) [S. Machida]
  3. Planning of experiment after FFAG12 workshop (11-16 November 2012) [Mori]
  4. Funding news [All]
  5. AOB
May 10, 2012: 5-th collaboration meeting with EVO [connection details] at 14:00 BST (13:00 GMT).
  1. Space charge simulation update [S. Machida]
  2. AOB
April 12, 2012: 4-th collaboration meeting with EVO [connection details] at 14:00 BST (13:00 GMT, one hour earlier in Japan.)
  1. Space charge simulation update [S. Machida]
  2. GEANT4 model of scattering for ERIT [C. Rogers]
  3. Funding issues [All]
  4. AOB
March 15, 2012: Third collaboration meeting with EVO [connection details] at 14:00 GMT
  1. Space charge simulation update [S. Machida]
  2. Tracking in Zgoubi update [D. Kelliher]
  3. Multi-bunch acceleration experiment at KURRI FFAG (simulation updated) [T. Yokoi]
  4. Funding issues [All]
  5. AOB
February 16, 2012: Second collaboration meeting with EVO [connection details] at 14:00 GMT (an hour later than the previous meeting)
  1. ERIT simulations in MAUS [C. Rogers]
  2. Space charge study and modeling ERIT in S-code [S. Machida]
  3. Accelerating multiple bunches with multiple harmonics [S. Tygier]
  4. Very prelminary Zgoubi results [D. Kelliher]
  5. Funding issues [All]
  6. AOB
[TOSCA field map]
January 26, 2012: First collaboration meeting with EVO [connection details] at 13:00 GMT
  1. Introduction [S. Machida]
  2. KURRI FFAG machine status, availability and prospects [Y. Mori]
  3. Planning [All]
    • how often the collaboration meeting should be held?
    • procedure to submit the proposal
    • strategy to obtain funding for travel
    • etc.
  4. AOB



July 11, 2012: Upload references of ADSR-FFAG (same paremeters as KEK 150 MeV FFAG)
[KEK 150MeV FFAG at EPAC2002 (details of magnets)]
[KEK 150MeV FFAG at EPAC2004]
[KEK 150MeV FFAG at PAC2005]
[H- injection talk at FFAG2011]
[RF acceleration talk at FFAG2011]
[Talk at FFAG2012]
January 18, 2012: Upload reference
[PAC09 paper on ERIT]
December 20, 2011: Upload proposals
[Multi-bunch acceleration]
[Space charge effects]
[Beta beam]
December 1, 2011: Specification of ERIT FFAG
Erratum: Energy spread (dT/T, where T is kinetic energy) = 0.1% (rms), not 1% (rms).

Data in November 2013 Runn and its descriptin

  1. Data description (save the file and open on your computer) [Suzie Sheehy]
  2. Data storage [Yoshihiro Ishi, Tom Uesugi and Suzie Sheehy]

TOSCA field map

TOSCA field map of ADSR (1) (2012/10/24, Y. Mori)
TOSCA field map of ADSR (2) (2012/10/24, Y. Mori)
TOSCA field map of ERIT (2012/03/15, Y. Mori)

Past workshop

